22 March 2023

5 top tips for managing a remote team

Oliver Tasker Partner & Head of Employment

How do you keep your team productive and engaged when you can't see them in person? How do you ensure that your data is secure when your team is working from different locations?

Here are some top tips for managing a remote team:

1. Communicate

Communication is key when managing a remote team. Make sure that you have regular check-ins with your team members, and that you're clear about your expectations for their work. Use video calls whenever possible, as this can help to build trust and improve communication.

2. Set clear goals and deadlines

It's important to set clear goals and deadlines for your team, so that everyone knows what they're working towards. Make sure that your goals are achievable and that your deadlines are realistic. If your team is working across different time zones, make sure that you're clear about when you expect them to be available, and that you're flexible if they need to work outside of regular hours.

3. Use the right tools

There are a ton of tools out there to help you manage a remote team, from project management software to time tracking tools. Make sure that you're using the right tools for your team's needs, and that everyone knows how to use them. If you're concerned about security, make sure that you're using a secure platform, and that you're regularly updating your software.

4. Encourage breaks and social interaction

Working from home can be isolating, so it's important to encourage your team to take breaks and to interact socially. You could set up a virtual coffee break, where everyone takes a break at the same time and has a chat over video call. You could also encourage your team to take breaks throughout the day, and to get outside for some fresh air and exercise.

5. Trust your team

Finally, it's important to trust your team. If you've hired the right people, then you should trust that they can work independently and get their work done. Avoid micromanaging and focus on the results, rather than the process. If you're concerned about productivity, then set clear goals and deadlines, and check in regularly to make sure that your team is on track.

Need help?

Contact Oliver to discuss this further.

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