18 March 2020

Coronavirus: an update from us

Senior Partner Andrew Holt shares our current plans to protect our employees, our clients and the wider public

As the world responds to the growing threat posed by the coronavirus, we’re taking measures to limit the risk of infection within our offices, while protecting employees, clients and the wider communities in which we live and work.

Open for business

Our aim in doing so is to keep our offices open (but always following current government guidance) and to continue to deliver the very best service to you all.

To that end, we’re ensuring that technology is in place for remote and home working and that our teams can easily make ‘non-personal’ contact with our clients. Our Coronavirus Incident Team will guide us throughout.

Event cancellations

Please be advised that, with effect from Monday 23 March we’ve decided to cancel our external events indefinitely, including smaller gatherings and seminars. If you were hoping to speak to one of our team members at a particular session, then please do get in touch with them by telephone or email and they will respond accordingly. For your information, we’ve also cancelled all internal training sessions.

Clients and visitors

If you have a home or office visit arranged with one of our team members or a pre-booked meeting at one of our offices, then please contact your host at this end to confirm arrangements. Meetings can be rearranged or carried out over the phone if there’s any risk. Of course, we strongly advise that any clients or guests who are showing symptoms take public health advice and stay at home, in order to minimise the risk of spreading the virus.

In the coming days, weeks and months ahead, we’ll take a responsible and sensible approach – one that allows our business to continue to help and support you, our valued clients, in any way possible.

Warmest wishes


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