28 July 2022

An asbestos claim for a power station worker decades after exposure

Ruth Craven Senior Associate
Picture of powerplant

Mr D worked at power station in the 1970s where he was exposed to asbestos.

Sadly a number of decades later he developed the asbestos related disease, mesothelioma. He was told by his clinicians that his life expectancy was very limited – somewhere in the region of 9 months. He approached our legal expert to pursue a claim.

Our mesothelioma specialist solicitor took a detailed witness statement form Mr D detailing his recollections of exposure in the power station. The witness statement was sent to the defendant, together with a letter of claim detailing the allegations. We received a quick admission of liability and secured an interim payment of £50,000.

This initial sum allowed Mr D to make adaptations to his home to ensure he was able to remain independent for as long as possible. One adaptation was having a stair lift fitted. He was also able to afford the costly travel insurance needed to allow him to go on holiday one final time.

In addition to the interim payment, Mr D received government benefits (Industrial Injuries Disablement benefit, pneumoconiosis works compensation payment, and attendance allowance). These additional funds gave Mr D options which would otherwise not have been available to him. He lived alone so he employed a gardener and cleaner/carer. He was therefore able to remain relatively self-sufficient for a significant period of time, before ultimately receiving hospice care.

The case settled in his life time for a sum of £100,000.

Ruth Craven, Wilkin Chapman LLP
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