30 July 2020

Gold status for our work to support military employees

James Marsden Partner & Head of Family

We’ve earned the prestigious Employers Recognition Scheme Gold Award from an arm of the Ministry of Defence to recognise excellence in supporting military staff and families

We’ve received the highest honour from the Armed Forces Covenant to recognise our work to support the Defence and Armed Forces community.

To achieve gold, organisations must show that they provide ten extra paid days leave for reserves and have supportive HR policies in place for veterans, reserves, cadet force adult volunteers, and spouses and partners of those serving in the Armed Forces. There's also a host of additional criteria a firm must satisfy to earn gold.

“We’ve been representing members of the armed forces community for many decades, acting for serving personnel, veterans, reservists and their families, in all areas of military law,” says our Family Partner James Marsden.

“We've benefited enormously from employing members of the armed forces community and the invaluable experience that they bring.

“Receiving the gold award is a huge honour for the firm but, in reality, what we are able to give back to the armed forces community is only a small token of appreciation for the sacrifices that are made by the members of our armed forces, past and present, and their families.”
James Marsden, Family Partner

Cat Suckling, the Ministry of Defence’s Assistant Regional Employer Engagement Director for the East Midlands, said: “I’m thrilled that we can announce a record number of Gold award winners for the region. I know all of these organisations have worked hard to support Defence objectives and they are all very worthy winners.”

Strength in numbers

2020 marks the seventh year of the awards scheme and this year 47% of winners across the UK are either micro organisations or SMEs, while 38% are public organisations.

We're among 127 award winners that join a group of 226 winners from previous years bringing the total to 353 organisations who can share their knowledge and experience on the benefits of employing those from the armed forces community.

Find out more

For more information about our military legal services, please contact Louisa Donaghy at louisa.donaghy@wilkinchapman.co.uk, or call 01472 246 668.

To find out more about the ERS and how your organisation could support Defence personnel in the workplace through the Armed Forces Covenant email Cat Suckling at em-areed@rfca.mod.uk or call 07864 982 420.

James Marsden, Wilkin Chapman LLP
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